Use cases

Since 2007, we have worked with companies, organizations, and professional associations in many sectors, such as medicine, corporate, architecture, mobility, scientific research, innovation, education, investment, etc.

What our clients have in common is the willingness to communicate, the desire to inspire, and the ambition to transfer knowledge and share what they’ve learned.

Some scenarios from the medical field

You are a Swiss FMH-affiliated medical association, you are preparing a two-day annual medical congress or a one-day symposium gathering your global scientific and industrial community. You are looking for innovative solutions to support your community beyond your event and create an environment for knowledge sharing.

You represent a pharmaceutical company and need a technical service provider to webcast and highlight your industrial symposium at an upcoming medical congress.

Klewel helps you to leverage your scientific presentations, panel discussions or roundtables. You benefit from showcasing your brand with your field’s best experts and opinion leaders for significantly greater impact.

Our services for continuing education:  Audiovisual services, Live streaming, on-demand webcasting including multi-language translation, optimal interactivity, video interviews, certification.

Download our free live streaming guide for event organizers

Hundreds of conference organizers have already trusted us. Based on these experiences, we have put together ten golden rules to make your next streaming event a success.

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They trust us

Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Since 1972, the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine has been committed to the high quality treatment of critically ill patients in Swiss hospitals. Administered by the IMK agency, it organizes numerous events and training courses for its members.

SSMI Société suisse de médecine intensive logo
régie vidéo Klewel lors d'une conférence SSMI
@Klewel I found the work of very good quality, both from the point of view of sound and images, and the graphic layout. Once again, thank you for the quality of your company's service during the 2021 of the SGI-SSMI in Interlaken. The presentations are presented in an excellent way, and it is and this is a real plus for our society and for our members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for this fruitful collaboration, which started a few years ago and which is a real asset for our society and our members. years ago, and which is a great satisfaction for me. Once again, excellent quality of work!
Prof. Thierry Fumeaux
President SGI SSMI 2020-2021, Member of the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force
"Thanks a lot, it was a pleasure to work with you, we are looking forward to future collaborations."
T. von Rohr
Representative of IMK (event agency specialized in the management of medical associations and organization of medical congresses)

Zürich Society of Dermatology

ZDFT logo

The Bruno Bloch Foundation of the University Hospital Zurich, Department of Dermatology, in partnership with the Zurich Society of Dermatology, organizes an annual event for physicians. This event takes in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, every year. Specialists belonging to the Zurich Dermatology Society (ZDFT) come together for 3 days to conduct intensive training workshops and share their scientific knowledge with the goal of advancing the dermatology medical community.

This is already the fifth time we have worked with Klewel for our "Zürcher Dermatologischen Fortbildungstage", i.e. for the recording of the lectures in order to study them later on the website. This year was a special challenge, as the entire congress had to be reorganized in a short time and broadcast live for two days in an interactive way with a voting system and a continuous input of comments and lessons for self-learning. With this high level of professionalism, flexibility and empathy, Klewel provided us with excellent support and contributed significantly to the success of the event. We particularly appreciated the simplicity of the exchange and the great availability of the entire Klewel team. of the Klewel team. We can and have already recommended cooperation with Klewel. Full report in English.
Catherine Frey Blanc
Hospital Universitaire de Zürich, Dermatologie
player Klewel ZDFT
société suisse neonatologie logo

After more than 24 years of regular meetings of the Swiss Neonatology Group, the Swiss Society of Neonatology was founded in 1995. The objectives of the society are to promote neonatology in Switzerland, to improve the quality of neonatal care and to represent the interests of newborns to the public. Its annual congress attracts all practitioners and companies related to neonatology.

player Klewel neonatologie
@Klewel Thank you for your excellent work. I have already received feedback from several members, all positive about the organization including the voting. The heads of the clinics had the good idea to set up in our meeting room (corona meeting room (corona conforme) and to project the general assembly by beamer on a large screen, allowing other people, including our assistants, to participate. Great. @Klewel Thank you not only for the very neat work, but also for the kindness the good mood, the humor. You and Yannick are a great team, as well as the cameraman. We hope to continue our collaboration with you. I would be for my part happy to continue with you and your team, and will do what is in my power to achieve this.
Prof. Romaine Arlettaz Mieth
University of Zürich, ex-president of the SGN-SSN
Swiss society of neonatology

The Federation of European Societies for Hand Surgery is a society of hand surgeons working together to improve the professional standard of hand surgery in Europe. FESSH aims to promote hand surgery in Europe by disseminating knowledge on all aspects of hand surgery and supporting educational events.

@Klewel « As the success of this year’s webcasting was big we would like to repeat it »
Nandor Matrai
FESSH Management Office
FESSH 2018
SICOT logo

SICOT, the International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, is an international non-profit association. SICOT’s mission is to promote the advancement of the science and art of orthopaedics and traumatology at an international level, particularly for the improvement of patient care, and to foster and develop teaching, research and education.

Play Video
@Klewel« Thank you very much for the work you have done. »
Dr Hatem Galal Said
SICOT Treasurer
@Klewel« Thanks very much Mael, great job. »
Dr. Gow Thevendran
Education Academy Chair, SICOT
« Thank you for all of your hard work done for SICOT. »
Mátrai Nándor
@Klewel « Great, many thanks for your job »
Prof. László Bucsi MD. PhD.
St. George University Teaching Hospital at Fejér County - Managing Hospital Director University of Pécs - Ext. Dptm. of Orthopaedics - Head of Department, SICOT OWC 2021 - President

Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology

logo SSAI

The Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SSAI) brings together basic research, laboratory diagnosticians and clinical physicians, thus assuming a pioneering role in multidisciplinary biomedical progress. With the establishment of new treatment methods, SSAI strives to achieve a scientifically and medically high standard in the field. Every year, SSAI organizes its AIU Allergy and Immunology Update event.

@Klewel« Thank you very much for the perfect teamwork we had. » « I would like to thank you and your company once again for the good cooperation. »
Jolanda Trachsel-Galafate
Directrice SSAI

Swiss Society of Gastroenterology

The Swiss Society of Gastroenterology is the professional association of gastroenterologists practicing in Switzerland. The SGG/SSG is a multidisciplinary scientific forum for all physicians and scientists with a university degree who deal with the digestive organs and their diseases. The SGG/SSG’s mission includes To ensure the quality of professional education To organize regular continuing education courses in gastroenterology.

La Société Suisse de Gastro-entérologie
@Klewel thank you very much for the really outstanding virtual congress of the emergency medicine. It was a pleasure and we had a lot of excellent feedback!
Gabriela Kaufmann
Managing Director SSG

Digital Health Connect is a conference rich in content available in French and English. It consists of inspiring and original presentations of high quality, applied projects, round tables with renowned Swiss and international speakers, which address a topical theme: the transition to a more sustainable and integrative medicine.

Digital Health Connect
Klewel at Digital Health Connect

Contact the Klewel team

Experienced, reliable and rigorous, we respond rapidly with dedication to meet your expectations.

The corporate event sector

You represent a professional association preparing a seminar for your members, a general meeting, or any other large-scale event.

You are a global company and wish to communicate effectively with your employees via a quarterly Town Hall or with your investors, stakeholders and privileged partners.

Klewel helps you broadcast your event live, password protected, and interactive, taking into account remote audience questions in your premises or a location of your choice. We travel throughout Switzerland and coordinate your events internationally.

Our services for optimal knowledge dissemination: Audiovisual services, Live streaming, on-demand webcasting including multi-language translation, video interview production, optimal remote audience participation.

FER Genève is an umbrella organization of employers and businesses. It defends the interests of 80 professional associations and 28,000 companies. FER Geneva offers live events from its website and social networks.

FER Genève auditorium
FER Genève multi caméra Klewel
FER Genève event slide
FER Genève régie klewel

Klewel is the privileged partner of the FER Geneva to record and stream the events that take place in its 400-seat auditorium. Find here all the public events covered.

@Klewel We thank you and your team for yesterday's conference which was a great success among GEM members.
Laurence Vauthier
FER Genève
innovate4water logo

I4W links water solutions to encourage interactions between global and local actors from the private and public sectors, and civil society, to redirect funding to innovative and effective local water solutions.

FER Innovate4water player
@Klewel “Thank you again for your high quality performance which was noticed and appreciated by all“
Nicolas Lorne
Waterpreneurs LLC, Impact Hub, Geneva

Thematic events offered throughout the year. Since the creation of the newspaper, events have been an integral part of Le Temps’ global strategy. Through this means, Le Temps wishes to offer and enrich the information of its community by proposing qualitative events complemented with a strong editorial environment.

@Klewel « Thanks again to all the Klewel team, as always it was great ! »
Cheffe de projets
Events Forums, Le Temps SA

The Performer conferences have been organized by Lusenti Partners since 2006 on the subject of investments for pension funds.

Technical presentations by specialists, educational content, availability of the speakers’ presentations, certificate of continuing education given to participants.

Lusenti régie Klewel multicam
Performer Lusenti event
@klewel “On behalf of the Lusenti Partners team, I would like to thank you for the "impeccable" technical execution of this week's event, which contributed greatly to its success, which was widely praised by many participants! Once again, I enjoyed working with your very competent, professional and available team."
Graziano Lusenti
Conseiller pour investisseurs institutionnels et professionnels Dr. sc. pol., expert diplômé en assurances de pensions Lusenti Partners
Hybrid event

The Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo has been running for over 15 years and is the premier international event for innovative building envelopes.

For the last 3 years we have been using Klewel services to stream our Advanced Building Skins international event with 3 parallel tracks over 2 days. We are very happy with Klewel, very positive.
Andreas Karweger
CEO, Advanced Building Skins

Download the free live streaming guide for event organizers

Hundreds of conference organizers have already trusted us. Based on these experiences, we have put together ten golden rules to make your next streaming event a success.

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