« Klewel, a new Martigny-based company spin-off of the IDIAP research Institute, proposes a simple and unique proces for capturing the videos and putting online seminars […]
The videos from the Event TechnoArk 2008 (Sierre, Jan 25 2008) are online (in french). Talks from Bruno Giussani, Frederic Kaplan, Sandrine Szabo, Sebastien Fanti and […]
Klewel Sàrl is officially created by Maël Guillemot, Alessandro Vinciarelli and Jean-Marc Odobez. link This has been possible with the collaboration of Frank Crittin (Ideark), and […]
Klewel is selected by TheArk, the swiss agency which promotes and helps valaisan start-ups, in french. Thanks for the great help from Jérôme Salamin and Frédéric […]
Klewel captured part of the event in the afternoon. Talks from Jean-Claude Morand, Sebastien Fanti and Antoine Perruchoud. Canal 9 TV video report (in french only), […]