On Monday December 20, there was a demo event marking the release of Pocket Campus 1.0 at EPFL. Pocket Campus is a project involving the development of a smartphone application built by undergraduate students taking the Software Development Project course (https://sweng.epfl.ch/) – a course that is recorded autonomously by Prof. George Candea’s staff, using the Klewel capture station. The webcasts of the course are available at https://sweng.epfl.ch/schedule, by clicking on the links.
Pocket Campus is an app developed to help students, faculty, alumni, and visitors to get around the EPFL campus.
The event was open to all members of I&C. There was a panel of invited guests, including Klewel team member, to offer feedback to the students and course staff on the application, as well as on the course:
- Manuel Acevedo (CEO of MadeInLocal, VP of EPFL A3 Alumni Association)
- Mehdi Aminian (CEO of Jilion, Licensing Officer @ EPFL)
- Alexandre Bisenz (Head of communication @ EPFL A3 Alumni Association)
- Kevin Blackman (Co-Founder of DealOnTheWay)
- Didier Bonvin (Editor @ EPFL MediaCom)
- Dr. Richard Ekwall (Software engineer @ Google)
- Claude Florin (President of A3 Angels Club)
- Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux (Director of LCA1)
- David Lazar (Software engineer @ Google)
- Dr. Ingrid Le Duc (Scientist @ Center for Pedagogical Research and Support)
- Dr. Maxime Monod (Software Architect @ Klewel)
- Prof. Bernard Moret (Chef de section Computer Science, Director of LCBB)
- Prof. Emre Telatar (Chef de section Communication Science, Director of LTHI)
You can get more information about the project by visiting its website: https://pocketcampus.org/
The webcast of the event is available here: