Klewel's blog

26 March 2008

Klewel wins the Venture Leaders award

« venturelab », an initiative of the Agency for Innovation CTI, selected the 20 winners of the third edition of the award « venture leaders », […]
17 March 2008

Klewel on Swiss Radio

Regional zoom: broadcast from the Swiss national radio. Klewel : recording and online archiving of conferences. <<The “start up” Klewel comes from the mix of two […]
13 March 2008

Forum BusiNETvs

Forum BusiNETvs en ligne, rencontre sur les enjeux de la fiscalité des PME, HES-SO de Sierre.
7 March 2008

Forum TheArk TV 2.0

Forum TheArk TV 2.0, featuring Thierry Weber (culturepod.ch) and Bernard Rappaz (TSR multimedia), Ideark, Martigny.
6 March 2008

Klewel Award: European Seal of e-Excellence

Klewel received the 2008 European Seal of e-Excellence award at the CeBIT International Trade show on information technology and telecommunications (Hannover, Germany) from the European Multimedia […]
5 March 2008

Klewel on RadioChablais

Podcast Video for Radio Chablais with the participation of Roland Grunder (SwissMedia), Sylvain Moesching (Quicksite) and Mael Guillemot (Klewel).
4 March 2008

Videoblogs from CeBIT

Video blog at CeBIT (SUN MicroSystems, E-learning and image scanning companies). From CeBIT’s Linux Park (Linux4Africa, Linpus, Unison, Zarafa, Zope Plone).
8 February 2008

LIFT Conference

Klewel was present at the LIFT conference. On line videos on nouvo.ch. Full report on Valentin Crettaz’s blog Special thanks to TheArk team, especially Jérôme Salamin […]
25 January 2008

Event TechnoArk 2008

The videos from the Event TechnoArk 2008 (Sierre, Jan 25 2008) are online (in french). Talks from Bruno Giussani, Frederic Kaplan, Sandrine Szabo, Sebastien Fanti and […]