Klewel's blog

5 July 2008

Venture summit 2008

Organized by VentureLab, venture-summit, a 24 hour crazy camp in the middle of Switzerland… Special thanks to Jordi Montserrat and Beat Schillig for their invitation. It […]
3 July 2008

Klewel in Agefi

Together with Jordi Montserrat (VentureLab) and Vincent Schickel (Prediggo), we wrote an article in Agefi in order to report our experience of following the 2-week venture-leaders […]
19 June 2008

Venture leaders 2008 @ Boston, USA

20 entrepreneurs were selected this year for a full program in Boston from June 10 to 20th. We visited local high tech companies, attended a course […]
6 June 2008

Gestchange @ Lausanne

Du M2 AU K2… Comment simuler le changement pour réussir l’innovation? Avec la participation de Daniel Rosselat, Jean Troillet et Philippe Leguay du M2. Cette conférence […]
29 May 2008

First Rezonance @ Genève

Démographie et emploi: quelle place pour les seniors dans l’entreprise de demain? Et si les seniors étaient l’avenir de l’entreprise ? Les gouvernements ne cherchent-ils pas […]
18 April 2008

Klewel captures the Venture Ideas @ EPFL

ventureideas@life sciences The BioAlps region: the right place to launch your start-up? Learn from the most successful entrepreneurs. With Andrea Pfeifer, Founder & CEO – AC […]
15 April 2008

Article about Klewel in Le Nouvelliste

« Klewel, a new Martigny-based company spin-off of the IDIAP research Institute, proposes a simple and unique proces for capturing the videos and putting online seminars […]
8 April 2008

Klewel in Florence (Italy)

CHI 2008 is the largest international conference of the world in Human Computer Interaction domain. As last year, Klewel is the digital media capture partner with […]
1 April 2008

Article in the Swiss journal Le Temps

« Spin-off of the IDIAP Research Institute in Martigny (Switzerland), Klewel is part of the twenty start-up selected by the the «Venture Leaders» award, an initiative […]